Information on the procedure and manner of waste collection from sea-going ships at the Port of Gdańsk
Port of Gdansk Authority S.A. informs that pursuant to Art. 37 point 8 of the Act of 16 March 1995 on the Prevention of Sea Pollution by Ships (Journal of Laws 2023.0.1072), if the captain, agent or other member of the ship’s crew does not comply with the regulations regarding the delivery of waste to the port collection facilities and does not inform the port about the waste, sewage, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues to be delivered – and fails to provide information via the NSW control and information system within the required time limit – the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia may impose administrative fines. The ship bears all the consequences of not meeting the above deadlines or cancelling the waste collection service after entering the port.
- Collection of waste from sea-going ships at the Port of Gdansk is carried out in accordance with the Act of 12 May 2022 on Port Facilities for Collecting Waste from Ships and the principles set out in the ‘Port plan for the management of waste from ships in the Port of Gdansk.’
- The mode and method of waste collection applies to all sea vessels using the quays located within the port, with the exception of vessels of the Navy, the Border Guard and the Police, ships on special state duty and ships exempt from the obligation to each time hand over waste under a decision of the Director of the Maritime Office
- Ships with a gross tonnage (GT) below 300 units, fishing vessels, historic vessels and recreational vessels with a length of less than 45 metres are exempted from the obligation to submit information on waste on board before entering the Port of Gdansk, in accordance with Art. 10 sec. 4 of the Act of 16 March 1995 on the Prevention of Sea Pollution from Ships.
- Waste collection is carried out in the manner specified in this notification.
- Waste is collected from ships by companies listed on the website of the Port of Gdańsk Authority S.A.
- Collection, transport and management of food waste is carried out by the Recipient in the mode approved by the District Veterinary Officer.
- Waste collected from ships under sanitary quarantine is transported and managed in accordance with the recommendations of the State Border Sanitary Inspector.
- Settlement rules and unit prices can be found in the Price List for port services of collection and management of waste from ships placed on the website of PGA S.A. at: www.portgdansk.pl/biznes/uslugi/taryfy-portowe/
- If the captain, agent or other member of the ship’s crew does not comply with the regulations regarding the delivery of waste to the port collection facilities and does not inform the port about the waste, sewage, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues to be delivered – and fails to provide information via the NSW control and information system within the required time limit – the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia may impose administrative fines. The ship bears all the consequences of not meeting the above deadlines or cancelling the waste collection service after entering the port.
- Supervision over compliance with the waste collection rules at the Port of Gdańsk is exercised by the Environmental Protection Team of PGA S.A.
Waste collection procedures:
- The ship’s captain or ship’s agent, prior to the ship’s arrival at the Port of Gdansk, provides information on any waste, sewage, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues intended for delivery to the port collection facilities using the control and information system for Polish ports (NSW).
The ship’s captain or agent is responsible for the accuracy of the data entered in the form in the NSW system, including the type, quantity and composition of the above-mentioned waste on board. - To deliver waste, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues to the port collection facilities, the captain or agent of a ship not calling at the Port of Gdansk notifies the Port Dispatcher of waste, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues to be delivered, using the ‘Form informing about waste on board before calling at the Port of Gdansk (for vessels not calling at the Port of Gdansk)’, completed online or completed and sent by e-mail or fax. The above-mentioned form is available on the PGA S.A. website at: https://www.portgdansk.pl/biznes/uslugi/odbior-odpadow/
- The Port Dispatcher immediately notifies the Recipient about waste, sewage, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues to be collected by completing the form ‘Notification of waste for collection’, which varies depending on the type of waste collected.
- The Recipient is obliged to agree with the ship’s representative on the exact date of collection of the waste.
A diagram of transferring information on the collection of waste from ships
Document flow procedures:
- The Recipient, after collecting waste, sewage, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues from the ship completes the Waste Collection Note (for solid waste, oil waste, sewage and flue gas treatment residues) or the Cargo Residues Collection Note (for cargo residues), confirming the type and quantity of collected waste, sewage, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues, and waiting time. The Waste Collection Note and/or Cargo Residues Collection Note must be signed by an authorised representative of the ship and the Recipient. The signing of the above documents must be in writing, including signing via electronic means, i.e. after the collection of waste from the ship, the Recipient completes the Waste Collection Note and/or the Cargo Residues Collection Note and sends a scanned document or delivers it in person to the representative of the shipowner – Maritime Agent. The Maritime Agent signs the document received online or in person, and the scan of the signed document is sent or handed over personally to the Recipient’s representative, which confirms the service.
- A Signed Waste Collection Note and/or Cargo Residues Collection Note are each time provided by the Recipient, at the latest on the first working day (without undue delay) after obtaining confirmation of the service, to the Invoicing Department of PGA S.A. (oplatyportowe@portgdansk.pl) and to the Environmental Protection Department of PGA S.A. (odpady-srodowisko@portgdansk.pl).
- The Waste Collection Note and the Cargo Residues Collection Note must contain the correct names of the Shipowner’s Representative – Maritime Agent and information on the exact conditions under which the waste was collected.
- The Recipient prepares a list of the quantity and types of waste, flue gas treatment residues and/or cargo residues collected from ships calling at the port in the settlement month, which is sent in an editable electronic version to the e-mail address odpady-srodowisko@portgdansk.pl by the 7th day of the next settlement month.
- The Recipient prepares the ‘Service Acceptance Report’ form and submits it to the designated employee of PGA S.A., attaching the Waste Collection Note and/or the Cargo Residues Collection Note – by the 7th day of the next settlement month.
- The service acceptance report is approved by a designated employee of PGA S.A., after prior verification of the compliance of the document with the Invoicing Department. The acceptance report is the basis for issuing an invoice.
All entities participating in the waste collection procedure (ship captains, agents, waste collectors and other interested parties) can obtain information, as well as make comments or report irregularities regarding the port collection facilities to the relevant services of PGA SA:
If the captain of a ship calling at a port or sea harbour finds that the port collection facilities are not functioning properly, or if the ship’s captain is not informed about this fact by the entity managing the port or sea harbour, then the captain has the right to report irregularities to the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia, competent for the location of the port or sea harbour, using the form of the International Maritime Organisation, reference number: MEPC.1/Circ.834/Rev.1 Appendix I. The form is available on the website of the Port of Gdansk Authority S.A. at: https://www.portgdansk.pl/biznes/uslugi/odbior-odpadow/, and on the website of the Maritime Office in Gdynia.
Information on insufficient capacity of collection facilities
If the collection of certain types and quantities of waste from the ship by the port collection facilities is impossible, the ship’s captain or their agent will receive information about this fact from the Main Port Dispatcher’s Team, immediately after submitting the notification of the intention to deliver waste. The notification will indicate the nearest port or marina ready to collect waste and cargo residues from the ship.
Contact details of persons carrying out works at Port of Gdansk Authority S.A. for activities related to supervision over the proper course of the process of managing waste and cargo residues from ships:
General matters related to waste management and environmental protection – Environment Unit:
Tomasz Kolicki
phone: (+48) 58 737 93 17
e-mail: odpady-srodowisko@portgdansk.pl
Agata Miecznikowska
phone: (+48) 58 737 93 12
e-mail: odpady-srodowisko@portgdansk.pl
Marta Bystrzanowska
phone: (+48) 58 737 96 65
e-mail: odpady-srodowisko@portgdansk.pl
Payment issues:
PGA S.A. Invoicing Department
phone: (+48) 58 737 95 74
e-mail: oplatyportowe@portgdansk.pl
Coordination of submitted forms:
Chief Port Dispatcher Unit
phone: (+48) 58 737 64 83/84, 58 737 93 05
e-mail: odpady@portgdansk.pl
Questions and Complaints:
e-mail: reklamacje@portgdansk.pl (with the name of the ship in the title)
List of waste recipients
The following companies are authorised to collect particular types of waste at the Port of Gdansk:
Oil wastes and their mixtures and flue gas treatment residues:
Responsibility of: | Sara Lemańska | |
Mobile: | (+48) 509 985 723 | |
E-mail: | biuro@ecopoint.pl |
Responsibility of: | Romuald Tyka | |
Mobile: | (+48) 661 609 708 | |
E-mail: | biuro@ecopoint.pl |
Responsibility of: | Filip Jarząbek | |
Mobile: | (+48) 509 983 846 | |
E-mail: | biuro@ecopoint.pl |
Solid waste:
PreZero Service Północ Sp. z o.o.
Responsibility of: | Dyspozytor PreZero Service Północ Sp. z o.o. | |
Mobile: | (+48) 515 224 293 | |
E-mail: | d.prsp.pl@prezero.com |
Ecol-Unicon Sp. z o.o.
Responsibility of: | Adam Spisak | |
Mobile: | (+48) 798 556 688 (+48) 505 913 212 (+48) 604 074 787 (+48) 603 048 627 | |
E-mail: | port.eksploatacja@ecol-unicon.com adam.spisak@ecol-unicon.com |
Cargo residues:
a) In the case of a notification made by PGA S.A.:
Responsibility of: | Mariusz Lemański | |
Mobile: | (+48) 570 168 168 | |
E-mail: | m.lemanski@ecopoint.pl |
b) In the case of a notification made at the direct request of a ship’s representative according to the applicable procedure constituting Appendix 2:
Responsibility of: | Mariusz Lemański | |
Mobile: | (+48) 570 168 168 | |
E-mail: | m.lemanski@ecopoint.pl |
PreZero Service Północ Sp. z o.o.
Responsibility of: | Beata Wierzbicka | |
Phone: | (+48) 309 00 00 intern. 346 | |
Mobile: | (+48) 514 795 249 | |
E-mail: | beata.wierzbicka@prezero.com |
Comal Sp. z o.o.
Responsibility of: | Agnieszka Roszkowska | |
Mobile: | (+48) 503 433 344 | |
E-mail: | a.roszkowska@comal.pl |
Oiler Sp. z o.o.
Responsibility of: | Kamila Ramczyk | |
Mobile: | (+48) 538 458 198, (+48) 572 346 490 | |
E-mail: | gdynia@oiler.pl |
Ran-Sigma Sp. z o.o.
Responsibility of: | Martyna Żandarska | |
Mobile: | (+48) 606 670 965 | |
E-mail: | m.zandarska@ransigma.pl |
- List of recipients of cargo residues [document PDF, 177.19 Kb, Adobe Reader]
- The procedure for collecting cargo residues by the Recipient of the cargo from the ship [document PDF, 180.29 Kb, Adobe Reader]
- Information to be notified before entry into the Port [document PDF, 76.72 Kb, Adobe Reader]
- Information to be notified before entry into the Port [document DOCX, 27.69 Kb]
- Archives: Information to be notified before entry into Port of Gdansk (for vessels not entering into Port of Gdansk) [document PDF, 134.60 Kb, Adobe Reader]
- Archives: Information to be notified before entry into Port of Gdansk (for vessels not entering into Port of Gdansk) [document DOC, 41.50 Kb]
- Revised consolidated format for reporting alleged inadequacies of port reception facilities [document PDF, 280.76 Kb, Adobe Reader]
- Revised consolidated format for reporting alleged inadequacies of port reception facilities [document DOC, 67.00 Kb]
- Port plan for management of waste from ships [document PDF, 2.80 Mb, Adobe Reader]