Guide to inspection services

Port Gdańsk
Inspection services

Border Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection Post in Gdansk
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30-15:00
The scope of activity includes: health and safety supervision of food products, materials and commodities intended for contact with food and originating from a third country prior to putting them on the market in the European Union. The inspection is conducted on goods stipulated in the Journal of Laws of 2011 No. 272, It. 1612 – Regulation of the Minister of Health of 8 December 2011 on the list of commodities subject to border sanitary inspection.

Border Veterinary Inspectorate in Gdansk
IC1 Inspection Centre
IC2 Inspection Centre
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30-15:30;
Registration of documents until 14:00
The Border Inspection Post in the Port of Gdansk (BIP Gdansk) operates two Inspection Centres authorized to provide veterinary inspection of live animals and unpacked edible products (as at 12 June 2014).
The IC1 Inspection Centre is located in the Northern Port and suited to handling consignments from DCT Gdansk SA.
The websites of inspection centres provide details regarding rules and conditions of reporting goods for border veterinary inspection, administration procedures, stamp duties and tariffs for Border veterinary Inspection services.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30-15:30;
Registration of documents until 14:00
The IC2 Inspection Centre is located in the Inner Port at the Wislane Quay and suited to handling consignments from GTK SA container terminal.

Regional Agriculture and Food Quality Inspection Office in Gdansk
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30-15:00
Main tasks of the Office include:
- Quality control of agricultural and food products at production and trading stage, including border inspection of such products.
- Inspection of agricultural and food products storage and transport conditions.
- Providing information and conducting training in the scope of regulations and commercial quality requirements, setting quality classes and methods of analyses of agricultural and food products.
- Supervision of commercial quality according to EU regulations regarding poultry, eggs, bovine and porcine carcasses, carcasses of other animals and meat from cattle aged less than twelve months.
- Issuing certificates indicating the origin of beef from adult male cattle, which qualify for export refunds pursuant to EU regulations laying down the conditions for special export refunds on certain types of boneless beef and according to EU regulations on granting special export refunds for beef and veal.
declarations are registered at the office in Gdynia

Regional Plant Health and Seed Inspection in Gdansk
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30-15:00
Main tasks include supervision of plant health, trading and application of plant protection products, production, assessment and trading of seeds. The website of the Inspection provides details of wooden packages and requirements of phytosanitary standards, guidelines regarding export (General conditions for export consignments, phytosanitary regulations of third countries, conditions of issuing phytosanitary certificates) and import (General conditions for import consignments, details of border phytosanitary inspections).

Customs and Tax Authority (UCS) for Pomorskie
Local UCS Office in Gdansk
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:00-17:00
Customs Branch Office “Oplotki” in Gdansk provides customs clearance of commodities transported by road or transmission systems. Most frequently customs cleared goods include: steel products, textiles, furniture, chemicals and petroleum products as well as electronics – components and sub-assemblies. The branch office operates the Section for Customs Declarations and the Section for Customs Approved Treatments and Uses. It provides passenger cars and trucks parking spaces for Customs Office and Branch Office customers.
Opening hours: 24h a day supervision
Submission of documents: Monday to Friday 7:15-19:15
This Customs Branch Office “Wislane Quay” in Gdansk serves port areas including Zbozowe Quay, Wislane Quay, Szczecinskie Quay with adjacent warehouse and service yards, CPN 4, as well as the grounds of Gdansk Shipyard, Northern Shipyard and “Remontowa” Ship and Repair Yard. It is authorised to perform customs procedures on all goods entered in the export refund declaration, GMO, items of strategic importance and waste. The Office operates 24 hours a day. The majority of commodities are goods handled by Gdansk Container Terminal SA (GTK SA). The most frequently customs cleared goods include: general cargo in containers, industrial and agricultural bulk, steel products and vessels in economic procedures. The grounds of GTK hold the status of the so-called customs-approved location. The area of the Szczecinskie Quay is a designated temporary storage location No. PL322000MC0023.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:00-19:00
Port supervision: Monday to Sunday 7:00-19:00
This Customs Branch Office serves the areas of the PERN Oil Terminal, WOC I and WOC II Quays, Oliwskie Quay, Ziolkowskiego Quay, as well as the port roadstead and the yacht harbour in Gdansk. It also provides services to the Port Free Zone and handles the road and see transport of goods. The most frequently customs cleared commodities include: new vehicles, steel and lead products, goods intended as vessel supplies incl. alcohols and tobacco products, food and agricultural products (also under the Common Agricultural Policy), break-bulk – food and industrial products, machines and equipment.
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 7:00-19:00
Port supervision: 24h a day
This Branch Office provides customs control of exports, imports, containers and cargos in transit (FCL and LCL) according to the required procedures. It serves the right-bank area of the Gdansk Port, including the DCT Gdansk container terminal and the Pomeranian Logistics Centre. It is authorised to perform customs procedures on all goods entered in the export refund declaration, GMO, items of strategic importance and waste. The Office operates 24 hours a day and its territorial remit includes designated temporary storage facilities and customs warehouses.
Submission of declarations: Monday-Friday 8:00-19:30
The Customs Branch Office Gdansk-Rebiechowo Airport operates the following organisational units: Section for Customs Declarations of package freight, Section for Customs Declarations of goods in the passenger traffic, General Duty Section (incl. a separate post for customs procedures and processes, and a post for analyses and records) and Duty Free Warehouse Supervision. Located within the Branch Office area, there are 3 customs bonded warehouses owned by the Airport, TNT and DHL, and a duty free warehouse. The most frequently customs cleared goods include courier mail services (samples, documents, break-bulk) and package freight incl. high technology electronics, goods intended as vessel supplies such as machines and equipment, and general cargo.