As many as 780 parking spots for lorries are available at the port

Due to increases in grain exports, the Port of Gdańsk has been preparing for growing lorry traffic. According to estimates, some 70% of grain transports to the port will be via lorries. Port operators are now able to handle 730 vehicles a day. To prevent bottlenecks from occurring on access roads, the Port of Gdańsk Authority is planning to build new parking areas.
Some 80 new spots have already been built on Budowniczych Portu Północnego and Poinca, on an approximately 1-hectare plot. In addition, an area of 4 hectares on Załogowa (the old Kruszwica factory) has been transformed into a parking area for 300 vehicles. Another 80 holding areas on the old Kruszwica plot will be made available for drivers in mid-June. The Port of Gdańsk is also preparing for the construction of a new parking area on the intersection of Kontenerowa and Nowa Portowa, with a planned area of 2.5 ha and a capacity of some 190 lorries. Its expected opening time is mid-July. When the new parking area is ready, the port will offer 970 parking spots.
Before being exported, grain is inspected using special sampling devices. Grain quality assessments are conducted at three parking areas around the Port of Gdańsk. The samplers are available on Budowniczych Portu Północnego and Ku Ujściu, as well as in the parking area on Śnieżna and Handlowa. The Port of Gdańsk Authority will also soon install roofing over the samplers to enable grain assessments to continue even during