A delegation of the Port of Gdansk visits Klaipeda

On 21-22 July, a delegation of the Port of Gdansk paid an official visit to the Port of Klaipeda. It was a perfect opportunity to exchange knowledge on a number of crucial topics connected with the maritime business, development and expansion of the Baltic ports, LNG, ferry and cruise ship navigation, coexistence of the urban fabric and the port, and the related challenges.
"It was with great pleasure that I received the delegation of the Port of Gdansk at Klaipeda. We had some inspiring discussions and established interesting business contacts. Apart from the geographic proximity of our countries, we share close historical ties: for nearly four centuries, Poland and Lithuania were one political body, which nowadays means an alliance or partnership. The contemporary geopolitical situation in the world and in Europe leads us to reassess the value and the benefits that come from partnership, which has recently received a new definition and a broader approach. It is no longer just about exchanging or sharing knowledge. Today, partnership involves joint projects, professional trust, as well as social and cultural commitment. I believe that the visit has strengthened the partnership between our ports. I am convinced that our cooperation and friendship with the Port of Gdansk will continue and benefit both the ports and their stakeholders," said Algis Latakas, CEO of the Klaipeda State Seaport Authority.
The delegation of the Port of Gdansk had the opportunity to learn more about the activity of both the container terminals operating at the port and the passenger terminal, as well as universal operators offering fertiliser, liquid cargo, mineral, fodder or cement transshipment services. One of the elements of the visit included a terminal operating based on the FSRU Independence, a regasification vessel used at the Port of Klaipeda since 2014. The last point of the visit was the Free Economic Zone, which was opened in 2002 and is one of the seven economic zones in Lithuania. It has a surface area of 412 h and employs more than 5,400 people. It currently offers its services to investors from 17 countries.
"It was a very inspiring visit. We are grateful for such friendly atmosphere and openness in sharing knowledge and experience. Klaipeda is a port located in a country that is our immediate neighbour, so our mutual relations are all the more important. We hope that the visit will result in joint initiatives. We can see space for shared activities, but we certainly accept healthy competition that will be based on a high quality of service. What is interesting is both the exchange of experience in terms of the market of port-related services, which have a considerable influence on the port’s attractiveness from the point of view of shipowners, and the cruise market, as this is where we would like to promote each other. Other issues raised included the extremely important environmental matters, limiting pollutant emissions, and the related challenges, as well as the still significant subject of the global pandemic," says Slawomir Michalewski, Vice-President of Financial Affairs at the Port of Gdansk Authority.
Media contact:
Anna Drozd – Spokesperson for the Port of Gdansk
Phone: +48 727 064 605
E-mail: anna.drozd@portgdansk.pl