Port of Gdańsk implements a new ERP system

Port of Gdańsk Authority S.A. has chosen Polish ingenuity in the field of IT solutions for accounting, controlling and HR. The implementation of a new enterprise resource planning system developed by Comarch, Poland’s largest software manufacturer, has just begun. The Comarch ERP XL system will be implemented and integrated with other systems from the Gdynia-based company Insoft Consulting. The agreement was concluded on 15 December 2020.
Choosing an IT system is a decision with a lasting impact. This is why it is so important to make the right choice. ERP systems make life a lot easier for businesses – they facilitate enterprise management and the flow of documents and key information, help plan resource use and decrease the need for manual data entry, as well as automating such actions as creating analyses.
Port of Gdańsk Authority S.A. has chosen Poland’s largest software developer, the Kraków-based company Comarch, and its Comarch ERP XL system. It is a comprehensive accounting and HR tool. Being able to flexibly manage your personnel is extremely important if you employ as many people as the Port of Gdańsk, which today numbers nearly 300.
“The new solutions will replace our current accounting and controlling systems, as well as the HR and payroll system. We have a year for it to be implemented, and the system should be launched at the beginning of 2022. We are replacing all the current management systems at the Port of Gdańsk, most of which are used by the Office of the Chief Accountant, the Controlling and Analysis Department, the HR Section and the Administration Team. The Intense Platform tool (a databus) will be used to integrate all the IT systems used at the Port of Gdańsk (including those which are not being replaced as part of the project, but as part of other projects currently carried out by the IT Department). In addition to its integrating role, the product will serve as a modern Business Intelligence tool, facilitating our budgeting and controlling (analysis and reporting) processes. These changes will ensure the stability of the system and make it more flexible,” explains Maciej Sobecki, IT Department Director.
Comarch ERP XL is the most popular ERP system in Poland, intended for medium and large enterprises from a variety of sectors.
ERP systems offer systematised and easy access to key data, as well as making the accounting, HR and payroll processes more streamlined and intuitive.