
» Compare how the Port Gdańsk changed
in 2016-2021 (aerial photo)

Improving the infrastructure of the Port of Gdansk with an analysis for implementing the low-emission OPS system for the sustainable development of the TEN-T network
Port of Gdańsk Authority S.A. received funding for the project ‘Improving the infrastructure of the Port of Gdansk with analysis for implementation of the low-emission OPS system for the sustainable development of the TEN-T network’, as part of the Connecting Europe Facility for 2021-2027 (CEF 2). The start date of the project was 25-08-2023. The scope of the investment includes the development of four more quays of the inner harbour, with a total length of 1,916 metres, together with the railway infrastructure. The Wiślane and Bytomskie quays are located along the port channel, while the Rudowe III and partially Węglowe quays are located in the Górniczy basin.
A study task is also carried out as part of the project, concerning the preparation of the ‘Analysis for implementing the onshore power supply system for ships in the Port of Gdańsk (OPS – Onshore Power Supply)’. The study includes an analysis of current applications of OPS systems for supplying ships with electricity during their stay in seaports; an assessment of the state of adaptation of sea vessels to shore-side electricity supplies; an assessment of the demand for powering ships at the Port of Gdańsk, as well as a plan for implementing this technology at the Port of Gdańsk.
The planned investment period is 2023-2027. The costs amount to EUR 117,160,294, of which some 85% of the eligible costs, i.e. EUR 99 586 250, is co-financed by the EU. EUR 99,586,250. The project will contribute to an increase in the competitiveness of the Port of Gdańsk, strengthening the transshipment potential, and increasing the throughput. Thanks to this investment, the quality and standard of ship handling, as well as the working conditions, will be improved. Mooring line lengths will be increased and shorelines will be adjusted to accommodate vessels with maximum allowable drafts so they can safely navigate the harbour channel.
Baltic Hub – land reclamation of the maritime area and construction of the third deepwater quay in the Northern Port
Baltic Hub (DCT Gdańsk of the PSA Group) has started construction of the third deepwater quay. T3 will be created by land reclamation of the marine area within the administrative boundaries of the port. The new quay will be 717 m long, 18 m deep, with a storage area of about 36 ha. The investment, which is worth about PLN 2 billion, should increase the handling capacity of the terminal by 1.5 million TEU (from 3 to 4.5 million TEU per year). In addition, the investment involves the purchase of 7 quay cranes able to load and unload the world’s largest vessels and 20 automated RMG cranes, which are to be remotely operated by their operators from ergonomically designed work spaces. This should allow a much safer, modern and convenient working environment to be maintained all year round. T3 is expected to be operational in 2025. Upon its completion, Baltic Hub is certain to become one of the largest container terminals in Europe in terms of handling capacity. Simply because it is already the largest container terminal in the Baltic Sea. It handles over 600 ships annually, including 100 of the world’s largest container ships.
The extension and modernisation of the road and rail network in the Outer Port in Gdańsk
The Port of Gdańsk concentrates its investments on the creation of the rail and road connections with handling terminals located in the Outer Port. The project co-financed by the European Union covered four tasks: the extension of the communication infrastructure, extension of access to the Deepwater Container Terminal (the largest in the Baltic Sea), reconstruction of Budowniczych Portu Północnego street and construction of a parking lot for trucks. A total of 7.2 km of roads, 10 km of new tracks and seven engineering structures were built or rebuilt. This undertaking is one of the largest road and rail investments carried out by ZMPG S.A. It covered not only the modernisation of the existing infrastructural objects, but also the construction of new ones aimed at the improvement of road and railway accessibility to individual bases and terminals located in the deepwater part of the port.
The Action “Extension and modernisation of road and railway network in the Gdansk outer port” – 2015-PL-TM-0372-M is co-financed by the European Union from the „Connecting Europe Facility”.
Modernisation of the fairway, expansion of the quays and improvement of navigation conditions in the Inner Port in Gdańsk
It is one of the most important investment projects carried out by the Port of Gdańsk Authority S.A. Due to this undertaking, the port canal has been widened and deepened, which allows a greater range of vessels to access the Inner Port and ensure safe navigation conditions. The extension of the quays results, for example, in the extension of their berthing lines and the improvement of technical parameters. This long-term investment covered the following quays: Oliwskie, Ziółkowskiego, Obrońców Poczty Polskiej, Mew, Zbożowe, Wisłoujście and Dworzec Drzewny quays, and sections of these quays: Wiślane, Szczecińskie and BON quays, with a total length of almost 5 km, and 7-kilometre fairway of the Inner Port. The reconstruction of the Dworzec Drzewny Quay allows its inclusion to the operation and makes it universal, whereas thanks to the modernisation of the fairway, the maximum draft of ships entering the inner port increased. The port canal handles vessels with lengths of up to 250 m, widths up to 35 m and drafts up to 10.6 m, while the Kashubian Canal handles ships with lengths of up to 190 m, widths up to 25 m, and drafts up to 9.35 m.
The Action “Modernisation of the fairway, expansion of the quays and improvement of navigation in the Internal Port in Gdansk” – 2015-PL-TM-0413-W is co-financed by the European Union from the „Connecting Europe Facility”.
Central Port
Central Port is a project of the development of the next deepwater part of the port in the direction of the waters of Gdańsk Bay, which is to be one of key investments in the area of the Polish marine economy. The value of this many years’ project is estimated at approx. PLN 13 billion. Due to it, the Port of Gdańsk has a chance to become an intermodal transport connection, playing a role of a hub in the Baltic Sea basin and a distribution and logistic centre for Central and Eastern Europe. Pursuant to the conceptual assumptions, it is to play a role of the first-choice port for global business partners, ensuring convenient access for the largest ships. Due to the fact that the investment projects of the Port of Gdańsk exhaust land possibilities of the quayside infrastructure spatial development along the shoreline, the Port develops its plans towards the waters of Gdańsk Bay. The Central Port is a project of building structures in the basin and piers in the deepwater part of the port, with an area of approx. 410 ha. This project includes the construction of several terminals, for example container, ro-ro, chemical, LNG, cereal, passenger and cruise terminals. The final shape of the Central Port will depend on needs of investors, i.e. operators of the port premises.